Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Joyce's Nephews

As some of you know, I only have one nephew and lots of nieces. Joyce, my college roommate and good friend, is the opposite: one niece and lots of nephews. While she lives in San Francisco, her family all live in Atlanta so I met up with her and stayed at her sister's house for a few days during which we celebrated two of her nephews' birthdays.

Joyce and nephew Here she is with one of the non-birthday boys. He called me "Ween", as in, "Oh, hi, 'ween." Very cute.

1 year birthday party tableI love Koreans (well, some of them) and Korean food! Half the items on this table are plastic. But the other half are real and So-Yummy.

3 generals For me, the Atlanta attractions were H-mart (got a $.99 grocery tote that features their motto: better food better life) and the huge Whole Foods (evident theme). But we did go to this regular tourist attraction in Stone Mountain. It's a big park with all sorts of stuff including the signature sight of this not-quite-Mt. Rushmore carving of three Confederate heros: Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis (I got to mention that I'd seen the house he died in).

Little IchiroThe next day I got to play rowdy Aunt Irene and cheer our mini-Ichiro (I know, he's not Korean but whatever) on and loudly question the umpire's home plate calls. Embarrassing, but fun. And the 50 cent hot dogs were good too.

Had a couple good laughs with Joyce and lots of Korean food. Also got to see Joyce in the context of her family which was great fun for me, I love families.

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