Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Long Island City Home

Per Kristie's request, here are some pictures of my lovely apartment in LIC/Astoria, in the order you would walk through the apartment were you to come visit in the flesh. It is a railroad apartment meaning one room goes into the next, into the next. (I hate the auto-formatting on this, cannot figure it out.) Anyway, you can tell they have chosen lovely colors for the paint. When I saw the yellow kitchen for the first time, I was sold. :)
Entry way
Living Room
Living Room again
in lieu of a mirror, there is this textured window over the sink.
Across from the bathroom, there is a built in china cabinet.
Kitchen looking south
dining room
dining table
So you see, the dining room isn't really much to speak of from a West Coast vantage point but for The Apple, it's a bit of a marvel.
night stand

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!! It is so cute. Plus, we can all visualize you there now.
