Friday, January 01, 2010

Old year's end

My dad's 73rd birthday. I'd forgotten (bad me) but my mom reminded me before I got home. We ate shrimp for dinner.

Mooch with jingle bell from Robyn's wedding, winter spirit.

My sister Jane took my parents and me to the Seattle Symphony. It was beautiful. The Christmas lessons with sing-along carols, I leaned over to my mom during one point and whispered: this is better than church!

The Big 5, as we now call them. Used to be the Big 3 but now there's two more babies.

My eldest niece being very responsible with the younger two of the Big 5. We left the babies at home with my mom while we went to bell ring for the Salvation Army. Record breaking take in, cute kids = genius marketing.

Mom and one of the babies.

Jane's three after Christmas eve service.

Funny faces waiting for our newer tradition of prime rib and crab legs.

Mom and the other baby. As my brother-in-law Doug says, seeing my mom bounce around giving the granddaughters piggyback rides is not the picture of 73-years-old one usually thinks of.

Baby and "What God Wants for Christmas" boxes.

These two are the same age difference between me and my sister Delphine, only with two more kids in between.

Took Jane's two big girls on Seattle Ride the Duck tour. Pretty hilarious. Here they are with their quackers.

Got a chance to catch up with childhood best friend, Amy. She is in a Masters of Education program at University Washington, cares for her 2 year old son and is expecting. Phew!

This was last night's new year's eve hot pot dinner with my mom and dad. It was yummy and I stayed in and updated my iPod with all the CDs I've acquired over the year.

My sister Delphine fell ice skating a few days ago so on Sunday my mom will head back to Seattle (I just took the Greyhound back to Richland yesterday) via bus to help them out. I probably should have stayed but oh well. Hope to catch up with Tri-Cities friends and Monday I am scheduled to take a 2010 Census worker test. In other job related news, I'm going to try to start some sales leads for my brother-in-law's business and a friend from NYC asked me to draft a play he's been envisioning for some time now. So, praise God, "stuff" is coming up.

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