Thursday, January 07, 2010

Bed time

I'm driving to Seattle tomorrow to help Delphine out. The hamstring tear is complete, so surgery will be scheduled in the next few days.

Just hung out with Kristie who deserves a big shout out for reading. We watched Remember the Titans for research recommended to me by Jessica S. (Note for Jessica: my dad said he'd watch it once I have watched it and can tell him for sure that it's good.) Research for the play I have started writing that I mentioned in my last post. Finished the general structure and drafted the first three scenes. AND, I got 100% on my census worker test. They should be calling next week but maybe I'll still be in Seattle at that time?

My dad wishes I would get a job. My mom wishes I would get a job. Sometimes, I wish I would get a job too. In Tucson. A fun one with happy-level wages. Wishing is one thing that I'm almost sure is just the Disney word for 'worry' but that's debatable.

Ok, truly I need to go to bed. But I was just excited to post knowing that I do have readers of my non-photo posts! :)


  1. I always check on Sunday to see what's new. 100% on your test! Anyone should hire you. Add that to your resume. 100% on the census worker test. I don't know what it covered but it sounds impressive.

  2. 100% means I can read a map, alphabetize names, and multiply numbers with decimals accurately. :) Studied my Scrabble word sheet yesterday in the waiting room for my sister's surgery! AA, MINI, QABALAH
