Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yeah yeah yeah

My FB friends know I'm a year older. 34. I heard from a certain woman that 35 is really hard. I could say I'm not looking forward to it, but since I am looking forward to 40, I guess I could say I'm looking forward of it. I helped the kids' nanny study English this afternoon and so "of" is significant since we discussed how "de" in Spanish can be "of" or "from" depending on context.

I would post photos as I have tons of cute ones but I can't find my camera. Oops. My losing things drives my mom crazy. I try not to tell her about it but she's so good at locating stuff that it's usually worth it to confess and bear the disappointment de mama.

My sister has been using only one crutch the past two days, so she is recovering. I think I'll be here through mid-February as she and her husband both have work travel and will need the help. My friend Carrie (from Las Vegas post) will be visiting Richlandia next month so I will try to make it back to see her.

A shout out to Anna U. for reading and for cracking me up by telling me about her 'kids'.

I went to Mars Hill Church on Sunday for a birthday treat and wound up meeting a nice young woman who invited me to her small group. So last night I went and it was nice. Should be a good thing for at least a month. Mark Driscoll went to Haiti and preached on giving and loving the church.

Today I covered my sister's volunteer shift at my nieces' classrooms. I was pleased that some of the boys' writing was really focused: Magic Man, the spinning chess pawn. Go with what they find interesting, right? Anyway, that's a random sliver of my current life. :)

Oh, and I finished "Tree" and have moved onto "My Life in France" by Julia Child and her great nephew.


  1. If you need a new volunteer project mid February, I should be arriving in my new Portland apartment around the 16th! ;-) My stuff should be arriving between the 16th and 20th. I've been thinking about checking out Imago Dei church in Portland. Have you ever been?

  2. Why are you looking forward to 40? Just curious...

  3. Hi A and J!

    I have not been to Imago Dei but I am a Donald Miller fan so have been curious about it. Thanks for the offer to visit Portland! I will keep it in mind. Congrats, btw. I forgot to say yay via mj.

    I'm looking forward to 40 just because I think it will be cool. I've set it as a future milestone to be better than I was at 30. Plus, I like to like things that others bemoan. :)

  4. Julia Child! Do you remember "Julia Children" and "Ed McMuffin"? We were an odd sort of children.

  5. Hi Amy! Yes, of course I remember our imaginary tv cooking show. :) Have you read My Life in France?

  6. come visit in portland! we'll celebrate your belated birthday!
