Thursday, December 24, 2009


Just sent out my annual report. I think I've emailed in lieu of cards (not that I ever sent cards really) for the past four years or so. It's been good to review. Kind of exhausting. But maybe that's just cuz I helped watch kids today. I don't think I'm going to shut down the blog just yet. First I need to get settled (in Tucson or otherwheres) before I let go of this means of feeling accomplishment. I recently read someone's blog about blogging and how one should really know why one is blogging to have a good blog. And as my subtitle indicates, I don't want to stray too far from travelogue. Unless I repurpose. Again. :) Happy Christmas, as they say in other places.


  1. Irene - When you speak of closing your blog it makes me sad! You refer to needing a purpose for blogging, and the subtitle being possibly more reflective of your intent—I beg to differ, even though I know you are the blogger, here! Your main title, which speaks of a greater purpose, (much more reliable than such uncertain possibilities as travel plans, which can change at a moment's notice), has been an inspiration to me this year, and I don't want to let its encouraging message disappear into the night! You do have a greater purpose than your uplift & encourage your readers to consider our certain future as well, perhaps when we are more fixed and attached to our material possessions (not that we want to be—too tied down, maybe?). I value the refreshing reminders of ways to appreciate people, places, and opportunities in our own lives, with a view to investing in what matters for our own "certain futures!" You have wit & insights sprinkled in your commentary (you don't see it?); your followers receive benefits as fellow-pilgrims (aren't we all?), which apply whether or not you remain in a fixed place! I want to “follow” you, even if you’re standing/sitting still! In any case, your “journey” still matters to a lot of us! Please, please reconsider! (adjust the subtitle!)
    Affectionately, Cindy Holt

  2. i'm glad you're not ending your blog...i love reading what you're up to! i've got one too if you want to keep up, although i only post like once a month. look forward to your next'll have to give me a call when you're back in town!
