Monday, December 07, 2009

Eight days a week

Back in NYC for a few days. Tonight, I had dinner with Amy, my friend since the 3rd grade(!), in Hoboken, NJ. It was nice to catch up and she treated. (Thanks, Ike!) Her baby just turned a year old and I have yet to meet him but she seems to be taking motherhood in easy stride and he sounds like he's taking to life in the real-world with great ability.

Since I arrived here a week ago, mostly I've been doing small apartment improvements for Juanita: got rid of a busted window A/C unit; organized under the kitchen sink; hounded the building maintenance to fix a leaky toilet. Today I obtained a fresh 5-foot Christmas tree! I'm going to decorate it tomorrow. Juanita says, "Why aren't you married? I come home after work to a clean house and dinner waiting." I've even fixed lunch for her to take to work a couple days. So, folks, please note: Irene has domestic potential.

Not to say I've been home exclusively. You know me: volunteering at Times Square Church, lunch with Nini in Fort Greene, a missed-play-so-coffee-instead with Linsey, the Met and Bergdorf Goodman windows (my favorite is the Reflected Serenades and Meticulous Metronomes), dinner with Jessica, a lunch and dinner with Nancy, MoMA to see the over-hung Bauhaus exhibit...

Wrapping up this year is bittersweet. I've had such a fun time. Yet the bank balance is a sort of reddish-black and even the Bible limits Jubilee to a year. So, for all those interested in my 'plans': I hope to go to Tucson and hang out near Olivia for a few months til it gets really hot, say June. Then maybe I'll go to Seattle and enjoy my favorite time of year there. Then...???

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good "plan" for the next year, Irene. Let me know if there's anything we can do to help you get where you need to go (job, place to stay, etc.)

    P.S. Loved your comment on your domestic potential. :)
