Thursday, December 17, 2009

Exit wounds

Not that I've been shot. It's just the pin prick-sized scabs on my hand just healed from helping arrange roses at the TSC volunteer banquet--and that was about two weeks ago. And there's a fading bruise on my shin from when I ran into Juanita's granny cart containing her Christmas tree. And, well, the gap in my heart whenever I leave NYC. And, well, well, it's time. I'm done. Time to shut down the blog because there are no more travels.

Nancy (of Richland) asked me today if I plan to be temporary for much longer. And it's like: yes, I not only plan to be temporary, I AM temporary. And eternal. Confusing right? It's the dot, not the line--according to Randy Alcorn. But no, I want to be Somewhere. I don't like being elsewhere. I like location, I just don't like fixed location. (A big thank you to Nancy for the lovely lunch and chat!!)

My dad said I need to own things to teach me responsibility. Like a computer. Or a car. Using things that don't belong to me, I don't learn to take care of them. I didn't get mad, visibly. Certainly my internal resume ticker was flashing: I just took care of my sister's FOUR kids for a week! My Linkedin recommendations rock! I bought and installed RAM for your computer...Oh hollow justification.

Anyway. Here's some pictures to lighten the mood of this post.

Some of my ex-colleagues at the Deutsch department party I crashed.

Kristin and Linsey prepping lemon tart.

Closeup of tart.

Juanita and the tree. :)


  1. are you going to shut down your blog? :(

  2. Hmmm...owning things. I prefer NOT to own things because I don't want the responsibility, the weight, the burden of those things. Yes, it's nice to have things that make life easier (car, cell phone, dishwasher, etc.) but they are so often distractions from our greater purpose on earth. Those of us loaded with "responsibility" (mortgage/car payments, kids, lawns) often envy those with great freedom to move about on this earth. I know you know better than to take to heart what your Dad said, yet any time we feel our parents disapprove of our life and our choices, it hurts. Take comfort in remembering how little Paul owned and how great the responsibility that rested upon his shoulders. Wish you'd keep blogging, despite the end of your travels. I so enjoy reading your posts!

  3. thanks A and J! xoxo to both of you!

  4. Actually I would think not being tied to possesions, but instead being tied to Jesus and people is a much better way to live! As long as your taking care of your time with Him and the people He puts in your path I would say your doing great!
