Saturday, November 07, 2009

Bloomin' Desert

So this is kind of like when I was staying with Karen in Turkey: lots of posts and lots of photos.

This is Olivia. My friend from college and NYC. She reminded me that she lived with me on the Lower East Side for a few weeks back in 2000 when she was between apartments. It was grand. Now, after a bit more than a year in Ecuador, she's living in Tucson. I was going to visit her and her parents' farm in South America but things changed. She got sick and now is awaiting treatment back in the States. Aside from diminished energy, startling weight loss, and sensitivity to germ/bad people exposure, she is the same rambunctious intellectual that I've always loved.

Here, Olivia and her mom took me to Tohono Chul Park for lunch and a walk. The gallery was my favorite.

Olivia and her cute mom Lynn.

Desert flora.

Lynn and her sister Lee. Lunch at Roma Italian Imports. Almost like Chelsea Market except for the large seating area and freestanding-ness. I joked with Olivia that the guy there who recommended the strawberry tiramisu is her boyfriend...

Lynn is knitting me a scarf too! :) Will look similar to Lee's.

Yesterday, we went to Bisbee, an old mining town, and took a tour of Queen's copper mine. We were going to have a stroll about Tombstone but settled for a drive through Wyatt Earp's town instead.

Paella before cooking. Olivia and her mom whipped this together in about five minutes.
Cook at 500 until you can 'hear the rice boiling' and then reduce to 350 for another hour or so.

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