Wednesday, September 09, 2009


An olive tree on the path up to the Acropolis (high place of city).

Parthenon. The only artifact I was truly interested in in Greece. Mars Hill (Areopagus, in Greek for the god Ares, Mars in Latin) was cool too. I mean, the Parthenon is truly giant. Wish I had a person in there for scale.

My haircut, in front of a pillar of the Propylaea.

It was cool to have everything in Greek. As a non-frat-boy said: I know some of the letters from math. I'm a nerd too.

The Corinth Canal. I could see why it was such a great city back in Paul's day.

Katie and me in front of the Temple of Apollos in Corinth. We also saw (but the photo isn't very exciting) a Bema, or Judgement Seat, assumedly similar to the one Paul mentions in Romans and Corinthians.

Here's the crowd on Mars Hill in Athens. It was hot. Driscoll is in the military-green shirt on the left side of the photo. He spoke on idolatry.

Free day in Greece! We went to the city beach. The water was gorgeous as I already mentioned. Here's Dan the man, he navigated the buses to and fro. Even helped us cross the busy streets. Very gentlemanly. And Ayana was super cute in her bright orange.

My new friend, Jasmine, who lives in Boston.

My roomie, Traci. This is not an exaggeration of the placement of our twin beds. We got close.

1 comment:

  1. so i don't recall reading it from any earlier post but YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!!! super cute by the way. looks like you are having an awesome time. are you in greece with a tour group? marshill? that's so cool Driscoll preached on the hill! keep the blogs coming...i love it!
