Sunday, August 02, 2009

Testing or Leading?

Turns out, usually, that when I think I'm being tested, I'm actually being led. I have a lot to catch up on, but want to share some recent details.

I spent about six hours running around and calling all the banks in the Tri-Cities trying to find one that would cash advance on Amex. Charging my rent (first and last and deposit) isn't the greatest feeling but it's how it had to happen. All during the hot pursuit of not bouncing the check that was already en route to the subletor, I was thinking "why? why? why is this so hard?" And while I don't know why, I can tell you that my roommate--whom I found on craigslist--not only attends Times Square Church (where I attended for five years before the Western Move) but sings in the choir. AND she's planning on taking a sabbatical year to travel in 2010. AND she tracks the weather in Athens on her iPhone (as I do on my iPod touch).

Today, my 2nd day in the sublet, which is just off Columbus Circle, I was struggling with the wifi. Getting really frustrated and again: why? why? why is this so difficult? I mean, here Juanita is been so gracious in loaning me her HP mini and I still can't blog with a full keyboard like I want to. So off to Starbucks I went. Texted my friend, Tiffany, which reminded me about a sermon she had wanted me to listen to on marriage. I downloaded it and the weather cleared up. So I popped in the earbuds and took a walk up Riverside Park--getting happier and happier to be here. When I hit Broadway, I was going to turn right, but decided to cross the street so to avoid staring at the cute man who was pushing his two kids in an urban stroller (the kind that have the attachment on the back for the older kid to stand on)--I mean, I can't listen to a podcast on the importance of marriage and then gawk after Mr. DILF (sorry if you don't get the reference, it's rather bawdy). Crossing the street, I run into an old colleague of mine from my days at Grey Interactive. Meaning I haven't seen her since 2001. And I got to tell her and her husband about stuff including my upcoming trip to India and why I'm going. Pretty cool. Got back to the apartment about an hour ago and my roommate told me she rebooted the router and all is well with wifi. So here I am, blogging. Again, He doesn't answer my "why" but I certainly hear a gentle, kind "told you so."

More--on the rest of Richland time, touring the Olympic Peninsula with Nancy, and the first week back in the Apple employed--later.

Remaining plans: three weeks of work at Deutsch, Greece, Israel, two more weeks at Deutsch, India in October, Tuscon to visit Olivia, Seattle to watch the set of 4 while my sister and brother-in-law are in Paris(!) and through Thanksgiving, New York for two more weeks, Christmastime in WA and then it's a big TBD.

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