Sunday, February 08, 2009

Seattle visit 2 of 3

Well, my sister was surprised on magnitude for her 40th birthday party, though she 'knew something was up'. I'm glad that my part (the slide show) went off mostly without a hitch; my brother-in-law admitted to getting misty-eyed at the end. So the sentimental chord was struck, which I count as dramatic success (Thanks, Elijah!).

My newest niece was "presented" (I think was the word the pastor used) today. And among other things (like Nordstroms with my mom and Costco with my dad) I tried to teach my eldest neice a song in round while she worked on some Valentines (these are for real--sorry I don't know how to rotate them for ease-of-reading):

I called my health insurance to see if they cover international and they don't. So for those of you who pray, I could use some wisdom figuring out what to do about the times I'm abroad. Also, I just finished reading The Treasure Principle and am thinking a lot about giving. My tax return should be deposited soon. And I have some sold stock value sitting in cash...TMI? Anyway. Really, I'm not that worried. Recent provision: very reasonable airfare to Poland for me and Stacey, parking spot at Mars Hill 11:15 service, hassle-free drive back home including interesting conversation with dad. So, all will be well.

Tomorrow, visiting friends in Pullman. Hope to have Wi-Fi there.

And also I think I may have a 'job' idea: consulting but for families rather than businesses. Like helping families deal with some chronic issue that's process/task-natured, not psychological. Think I could get anyone to pay for that? Somehow utilizing my project management skills but in a domestic setting. With most my clients being moms...

1 comment:

  1. I used this website to get insurance for my trip (both to cover costs if I had to cancel and get medical). You can buy international medical policies through the site. My mom and dad use it too, before they leave for one of their epic trips.

    Keep us updated!
