Monday, February 16, 2009


A lot of firsts and lasts during this week. Firsts: one-on-one with Cindy; puppies and the back side of Badger at Alison's house; hip hop at Central church; running at the indoor track with Stacey. Lasts: volleyball with Kerrin and the rest of team Velocity; Plugin; Chinese children's church. I'm sad. Wish I was more profound with my goodbyes but I'm not.

[photo caption--flowers from the Chinese church. So sweet. I was a blubbering mess.]

Rachel gave me a little stuffed monkey named Mooch. How appropriate.

Reading Changes That Heal and realizing I need to accept the good and the bad.

Next stop: Seattle with the fam, then New Orleans.

1 comment:

  1. On the Rez we say "see you later" instead of goodbye-especially among the believers-since one thing that is certain is that I will see you again, though hopefully on earth before heaven :).
    Love you!
