Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The rest of my Denver trip was nice. Got to hang out with Josh which was so trippy. Talking with someone I barely knew 10 years ago now about pastoral care and the call of God and waiting patiently for the release to obey the call, that's something only God can do. Had a few more really great conversations with Lonni too and after a lovely, intimate church service, a nap and then Star Trek the movie. Pretty fabulous way to round it all out. The alternate reality kind of echoed my own experience re-meeting Josh.

Since I hadn't attended formal church service since Easter, the next day was the first time in a month that it felt like Monday. Lonni took me downtown to the Greyhound station and I had a very uneventful trip down I-25 to Albuquerque. It is really The West of Charles Schultz and Georgia O'Keefe out here. Joanna, who is a friend from Wellesley, picked me up with her daughter, who reminded me of Josh and Marleen's daughter and Karen and Emre's daughter in that she is extremely hospitable for her age--I guess any age, really. Joanna cooked a yummy stir fry for dinner and I got to hear her fiancé John's views on end times. Very cool and also kind of trippy for those of you who know details about my past college days and therefore Joanna and my shared experience.

Joanna and I stayed up late talking and it was worth being tired in the morning. Her mom came over and took me and her grandson to the hot air balloon museum and Shadey Lakes, a pueblo that sells fishing and water lillies, before lunch at a cute spot. She also showed me her house which is super cool in that it has her quilts and Joanna's dad's cement work and paintings all over. Later Joanna and her daughter and I went on a lazy stroll along a canal and looked at wildflowers and geese. Then Old Town where we looked at public sculpture and dinner at a french place with good food and haughty service.

Today I drove up to Santa Fe to see the Georgia O'Keefe museum which was great! I have appreciated her paintings since I was a little girl and the museum had pastel, watercolor, and even one sculpture. And a bunch of fun quotes. My favorite one was: "Singing has always seemed to me the most perfect means of expression. It is so spontaneous. And after singing, I think the violin. Since I cannot sing, I paint." Ha ha. After that, Joanna's brother who lives in Sante Fe treated me to lunch at The Shed--chicken enchiladas (see Lonni? I am so predictable). Her whole family is incredibly generous and kind and artisticly talented. Now I'm back in Albuquerque. Joanna is at a dance lesson in preparation for her wedding which is in a few weeks. I am working on ridding myself of tan lines for the wedding I am a bridesmaid in on Saturday. Help! I'm doubtful that this little time under the New Mexican sun can eradicate months of tank top wearing...

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