This week's theme is ascent, going up.
[Nainai's 8 lines of varying lengths
- "climb up stairs" is a reference to having broad vision, enlarged perspective. There is a classic Chinese poem that says young people don’t know sadness because they haven’t been sad. But they like to write poems. So they make up feelings they don't have. Many years later, the person has lived through much. They start to talk about it, but then they don’t. Instead they say, "What a nice, cool, autumn evening."
- the may fly--having such a short life span--symbolizes our lives are brief and don't count for much.]
loathing farewell
loved ones gone beloved son hard to ply
our lives only ever like may fly
wing feathers grown means you leave today
loving never ceases
yearning never ceases
often thoughts like vines climb stairs high
lift head far corner earth a dream
someday we'll be together joy nigh nigh
[Gonggong's 23 paired lines of 5 words
- His reference to having traveled over many waters is to a famous classic poem that says "I've gone over ocean after ocean, now this little stream doesn't even count
as water. Having seen the clouds on Mount Wu, these clouds don’t even count
as clouds."
- Fuji, a dead volcano, had no flora nor streams nor waterfalls. Bare and barren.]
Climbing Mount Fuji
The Japanese looked down on Chinese as being weak and sickly. Right
after graduation, all students were required to go through military training at
the base of Mount Fuji. Some students thought, "Well, since we’re at the base of
Mount Fuji, we should climb it." Our military coach knew the stereotype of Chinese feebleness. So he told me, "you don’t need to climb, don’t
participate." I was angered and didn't agree with his assessment, so I begged to
go. When we climbed the mountain, at first it was okay. In the middle, I was so
hungry and cold, I almost couldn't stay upright. But I persevered and though it was very difficult, finally I got to the top. When I looked down, many Japanese classmates who were strong and athletic didn't make it. I think it was my will, not any physical strength.
Shooting at Mount Fuji’s feet Group idea: let’s climb up
Our teacher gives us warning “Climbing is no easy thing
This is our nation’s mountain Where the Japanese soul resides
High up ice hard snow No place to eat shelter
If you're not well prepared There’s no chance for you
You two three are weaklings Knowing challenge you should quit
Sick people of eastern Asia You should not even try”
Hearing I strut up front Though little I will go
Skinny thin bones weak body Manly men must show integrity
I've already traveled many waters Why fear this one mountain
Join the team of climbers At first fast bounding stride
So hot like cooking pot Drop sweat drop no tears
Higher up severe bitter cold Wind like thorns pierce bones
Travel on sea, sea sick Climb mountain, sick another way
At start hundred plus people Now midway half have quit
Some hearts cannot take it Some too tired to continue
Even though I am exhausted I never think of retreat
Hunger and weariness both forgotten Must persevere to the end
Just a heap of sand Deserted cold nothing worth noting
Look down at Japanese towns Many white clouds cover view
Arriving at the last milestone Foggy haze an empty green
Summit the most tall peak Proclaim make known my will