Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bus Riding

Took the Amtrak bus to attend parts of Mission Connexion Northwest in Portland, OR last weekend. It was really cool and I hope to read through the pile of stuff I picked up and maybe find some occupation for 2010(!). My friend Anna's wedding was lovely and fun; had a great time with my old high school friends.

Took Amtrak train to Seattle and interned for my brother-in-law at his company. I'm still have a call with the web designer tomorrow so my project will be on-going. Lots of fun lunches and Scrabble. I'm starting to memorize 2-letter words, so watch out!

My family had a nice combo birthday party for me and two of my nieces. Fun, easy. Cake and ice cream. And noodles.

Last night, took Greyhound bus back home where I'll be for the next week. Found out RZIM three-week course in Chennai is only $200USD. Best news I've gotten so far!

No, wait. Best news I've gotten is that my refugee friend got a job! YAY! Other recent provision: coverage at Chinese church and a doctor appointment today before my regular coverage runs out. Today, I feel like I am "highly favored".

[Thanks to Kerrin for prodding me to post.]


  1. yea! now you will be able to compete with Will - he already knows his 2-letter words. but you are going to have a lot fewer people who will be willing to play with you once you start plunking down ZA and UT...that's when my brother and sister declared "you aren't keepin it real. we don't want to play anymore..."

  2. yes, my sister says I'm 'cheating'.
