Sunday, June 19, 2016

Beauty unnoticed and noticed

Entitling the Pomegranate Flower by Song dynasty poet Zhu Xi 1130-1200

May pomegranate flowers shine eyes bright
Among branches often find newly formed fruit
What a pity this place lacks cars and horses
Bloom and whither green moss bright red drops

A famous scholar, he systematized all of Chinese philosophy together, and made a commentary.

Cars and horses symbolize visitors and popularity

San Francisco Chinatown

In San Francisco, a steep street,
Side by side, tea shops and bars.
Foreign language beginners, more borrowed phrases,
Hometown accents unchanged, loud and noisy.*
Tang Mountain grains, meal: homesick pangs,
Tai Sea flags, banners: rare sight.
Classic literature not forgotten** Ching Han words,
Posted notice ancient script Great Middle Beauty.

*Referencing a famous poem phrase: when you left your hometown in your youth, when you return an old person, your accent stays the same, but your hair became gray; little kids see you but didn't recognize you ask you where you came from.

**There's a phrase that people say wherein you've forgotten your origins.

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Camellia + Golden Gate Bridge

Mountain Tea (Camellia) by Lu You

Eastern garden, few days, wind twice as strong,
Peach and plum, fallen down, swept away empty.
Only camellia, in contrast, lasts long,
Green bushes, again blooms, several branches of red.

Golden Gate Bridge

Gold gate beautiful scenery, the best of California.
Steel cables cross the sky, spanning green waters.
Extending to cultivated fields, open up developments.
Connecting cities, pressing high rise buildings.
Hazy fog, smoke, and rain, trees on high mountains.
Relentless waves, wind, and waves, ships on far sea.
Million car dust, racing wheel tires,
At the head of the bridge, stand remarkable statues.