Sunday, January 26, 2014


Dirge for Quyuan*

As sorrowful protest, Quyuan jumped into the Mi River.
The emperor misunderstood his old, faithful court official, gone.
To manage the country, an excellent strategy, rejected.
Beyond reading books, a scholar without solution wanders.
In this case, true obscurity.
A future of no hope nor light.
Terribly sad, full of emotions, no place to vent.
Immaterial life given for his country, can appreciate his fragrant virtue.

*A patriotic poet from ancient times, a man who committed suicide fabled to have originated sticky rice in bamboo

Spring Festival New Year's Day Verse - 120 years since war wherein Japan tookover Taiwan (a response to a friend's poem--many of the ending words match)

Year-round warmth, always spring,
Island life, forget the year has turned anew.
Mid-mountain cherry blossoms remain unchanged.*
Willow pollen floats airily, dusting fields. 
Across the straight, wind and waves, beating beating.**
Back here, all the citrus, yummy yummy.***
Against custom, no liquor or wine. ****
Intentionally maintain my surviving wellness.

*Japan was rumored to be recovering military might with the intent to recapture Taiwan.
**Repeatedly sending bad news.
***Taiwan produced a lot of citrus fruit.
****My nature is a disdain for wine.